
Privacy-Policy Tube Mp3 Downloader

 Privacy Policy Tube MP3 MP4 Video Downloader Welcome to the mobile application “Tube MP3 MP4 Video Downloader”. The Tube MP3 MP4 Video Downloader is dedicated to upholding the privacy rights of all visitors, users, and others who utilize it. My main goal is to keep your information private. You must read, understand, and consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information as defined in this Privacy Policy before accessing or using our Service. <b>INFORMATION WE GATHERED</b> In a general sense. We do not collect personal information from our users to give you a tailored, relevant, and efficient experience. We may collect the following sorts of data: The application makes use of third-party services, which may collect information that can be used to identify you. • Google play Services • AdMob • Facebook Ads <b>Log Data</b> I'd like to remind everyone that whenever you use “Tube MP3 MP4 Video Downloader", I acquire data and informati

Privacy-Policy 3D icon

 Privacy Policy 3D Icon Pack Studio Welcome to the mobile application “3D Icon Pack Studio”. The 3D Icon Pack Studio is dedicated to upholding the privacy rights of all visitors, users, and others who utilize it. My main goal is to keep your information private. You must read, understand, and consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information as defined in this Privacy Policy before accessing or using our Service. <b>INFORMATION WE GATHERED</b> In a general sense. We do not collect personal information from our users to give you a tailored, relevant, and efficient experience. We may collect the following sorts of data: The application makes use of third-party services, which may collect information that can be used to identify you. • Google play Services • AdMob • Facebook Ads <b>Log Data</b> I'd like to remind everyone that whenever you use “3D Icon Pack Studio", I acquire data and information from you via third-party firms if the

Privacy-Policy Aod Player

 Privacy Policy AOD Music Player Welcome to the mobile application “AOD Music Player”. The AOD Music Player is dedicated to upholding the privacy rights of all visitors, users, and others who utilize it. My main goal is to keep your information private. You must read, understand, and consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information as defined in this Privacy Policy before accessing or using our Service. <b>INFORMATION WE GATHERED</b> In a general sense. We do not collect personal information from our users to give you a tailored, relevant, and efficient experience. We may collect the following sorts of data: The application makes use of third-party services, which may collect information that can be used to identify you. • Google play Services • AdMob • Facebook Ads <b>Log Data</b> I'd like to remind everyone that whenever you use “AOD Music Player", I acquire data and information from you via third-party firms if the software ma

Privacy-Policy VIdeo Caption

Privacy Policy Video Caption Generator - VIDCAP Welcome to the mobile application “Video Caption Generator - VIDCAP”. The Video Caption Generator - VIDCAP is dedicated to upholding the privacy rights of all visitors, users, and others who utilize it. My main goal is to keep your information private. You must read, understand, and consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information as defined in this Privacy Policy before accessing or using our Service. <b>INFORMATION WE GATHERED</b> In a general sense. We do not collect personal information from our users to give you a tailored, relevant, and efficient experience. We may collect the following sorts of data: The application makes use of third-party services, which may collect information that can be used to identify you. • Google play Services • AdMob • Facebook Ads <b>Log Data</b> I'd like to remind everyone that whenever you use “Video Caption Generator - VIDCAP", I acquire data an